Genc, Ömer
2014-01-08 15:58:28 UTC
I would like to configure NetworkConnectors for the DefaultActiveMQBroker using a broker URI like described here:
Therefore I have added the following inside my deployment descriptor for the the ActiveMQ Resource Adapter:
<conn:config-property-setting name="ServerUrl">vm:broker:(tcp://localhost:61616,network:static://(tcp://remoteHost-1:61616,tcp:// remoteHost-2:61616))/DefaultActiveMQBroker?broker.create=yes&jms.watchTopicAdvisories=false&jms.copyMessageOnSend=false&jms.persistent=false</conn:config-property-setting>
However the configuration using the broker uri does not seem to work, by stepping through the code, I can see that no NetworkConnectors are added to the DefaultActiveMQBroker.
When I try to add NetworkConnectors using the file $GERONIMO_HOME\repository\org\apache\geronimo\configs\activemq-broker-blueprint\3.0.1\\OSGI-INF\blueprint\activemq.xml everything works as expected.
Anyone an idea, why this does not work?
Are the configuration possibilities inside deployment descriptor somehow limited?
Thanks in advance,
I would like to configure NetworkConnectors for the DefaultActiveMQBroker using a broker URI like described here:
Therefore I have added the following inside my deployment descriptor for the the ActiveMQ Resource Adapter:
<conn:config-property-setting name="ServerUrl">vm:broker:(tcp://localhost:61616,network:static://(tcp://remoteHost-1:61616,tcp:// remoteHost-2:61616))/DefaultActiveMQBroker?broker.create=yes&jms.watchTopicAdvisories=false&jms.copyMessageOnSend=false&jms.persistent=false</conn:config-property-setting>
However the configuration using the broker uri does not seem to work, by stepping through the code, I can see that no NetworkConnectors are added to the DefaultActiveMQBroker.
When I try to add NetworkConnectors using the file $GERONIMO_HOME\repository\org\apache\geronimo\configs\activemq-broker-blueprint\3.0.1\\OSGI-INF\blueprint\activemq.xml everything works as expected.
Anyone an idea, why this does not work?
Are the configuration possibilities inside deployment descriptor somehow limited?
Thanks in advance,