Sorry, there was an error in that email. I should have said /usr/share/java.
From: Stuart Wilson [mailto:wilsons-X49T34sTvi9Wk0Htik3J/***]
Sent: Saturday, August 31, 2013 7:29 AM
To: user-nmThH5wfGryY1pf4d8vP8EB+***
Subject: RE: How to Archive
In my application there are two major, but separate, components (Archive and
Office Apps) that use the Jackrabbbit repository. The Archive uses the JCR
2.0 style of data specification. The other use both 1.0 and 2.0. Both are in
one Workspace residing on a separate RAID.
I am using Geronimo to support EJBs for various functions, most involving
the repository.
There are many RPMs for Geronimo. So many that it's hard to discern which
are appropriate. I did not find RPMs for Jackrabbit, at least not for 2.0
(JSR-283). This led me to install directly from Apache's downloads for both.
The Apache downloads contain both .jar files and binaries. The directory
structure of each has to be maintained so each is stored in its entirety. On
CentOS, which I am using (or Fedora), /usr/share seemed to be the logical
place to put both of them.
Also in my case, the Jackrabbit repository runs as a standalone server, as
does Geronimo. Aside from the binaries and scripts for starting them, both
have folders of .jar files. These need to be referenced as libraries from
eclipse. I am using eclipse Kepler.
From: Alam, Jaimee (GE Corporate) [mailto:jaimee.alam-***]
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2013 6:10 AM
To: user-nmThH5wfGryY1pf4d8vP8EB+***
Subject: How to Archive
Please send steps to setup Archive feature using Geronimo.
Jaimee Alam, PMP, CSM
Project Manager - Audit Analytics
GE Global Audit
T: (203) 229-5888
C:(203) 722-6480
F: (203) 907-1329
D: *503-5888
E: jaimee.alam-***
401 Merritt 7
Norwalk, CT 06851-0001 USA
General Electric Company