certificate will be expired at 8/22/2015 - Apache-Geronimo-2.1.8
2015-05-05 19:05:00 UTC
Hi Friends,I am using Apache Geronimo 2.1.8. Here I see certificate will be
expired at 8/22/2015. So what should be my action to avoid any issue. - -
Can you describe the step in details?- - If I don't renew the certificate,
what may be impact of that?- - I also don't know how does it generate
encrypted password and paste at config.xml file. Please help on this.Issued
to : Apache GeronimoIssued by : Apache GeronimoValid from 8/24/2005 to
8/22/2015I copied few lines from my config.xml.....
${ServerHostname} ${HTTPSPort + PortOffset} 8192
150 25 75 false 100
false false Default TLS
JKS Regards,Amlan

View this message in context: http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/certificate-will-be-expired-at-8-22-2015-Apache-Geronimo-2-1-8-tp3989014.html
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Kevin Huntly
2015-05-05 19:27:08 UTC
That looks like an internal cert. Either way, you can apply a new
certificate the same way you applied the one that's there now

Kevin Huntly
79 Aurora Drive
Cheektowaga, NY 14215
Email: ***@gmail.com
Cell: 716/341-5669
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinhuntly
Version: 1.0
GCS/IT d+ s a C++ UL+++$ P+(++) L+++ E---
W+++ N+ o K(+) w--- O- M-- V-- PS+ PE Y(+)
PGP++(+++) t+ 5-- X-- R+ tv+ b++ DI++ D++
G++ e(+) h--- r+++ y+++*
Hi Friends, I am using Apache Geronimo 2.1.8. Here I see certificate will
be expired at 8/22/2015. So what should be my action to avoid any issue. -
- Can you describe the step in details? - - If I don't renew the
certificate, what may be impact of that? - - I also don't know how does it
generate encrypted password and paste at config.xml file. Please help on
this. Issued to : Apache Geronimo Issued by : Apache Geronimo Valid from
8/24/2005 to 8/22/2015 I copied few lines from my config.xml.....
${ServerHostname} ${HTTPSPort + PortOffset} 8192 150 25 75 false 100 false
false Default TLS var/security/keystores/geronimo-default {Simple}rO0ABXNyABlqYXZheC5jcnlwdG8uU2VhbGVkT2JqZWN0PjY9psO3VHACAARbAA1lbmNvZGV
0Ks8xf4BghU4AIAAHhwAAAAEArVToThqcjvbXFD5C2uUmpwdAADQUVT JKS Regards,
View this message in context: certificate will be expired at 8/22/2015 -
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