[ANNOUNCE] Jarek Gawor has been appointed as the the PMC Chair of the Geronimo Project
Kevan Miller
2013-07-30 16:39:59 UTC
Due to recent changes in my life, I've had less and less time to devote to the Geronimo project. Last month, I told the PMC that I wished to step down from my PMC Chair duties.

The Geronimo PMC unanimously nominated Jarek Gawor to become the PMC Chair. I'm happy to announce that at this month's board meeting, the ASF Board appointed Jarek the new PMC Chair of the Geronimo project.

As anyone following the Geronimo project should know, Jarek has been bringing a tremendous amount to the project in multiple ways. Please take a moment to thank Jarek for taking on this new role.

Finally, to all the PMC members, committers, contributors, and users -- thanks for making my job as PMC chair so easy and enjoyable. It's been a pleasure working with you.

