Jack Cai
2013-09-09 21:39:36 UTC
Where can I find some doc or examples on configuration persistent storage
for ActiveMQ? The config-substitutions.properties file only provides data
directory, and MQName setting. I found the activemq.xml under
But that file says /var/activemq/conf/${ACTIVEMQ.BROKERNAME}.XML is the
config file? I tried that, but it does not seem to do anything.
Can anyone help with the following?
1. Which directory is for activemq configuration directory?
2. What is the name of the configuration file?
activemq.xml or ${ACTIVEMQ.BROKERNAME}.XML
3. How can a postgres DB be configured for activeMQ's persistence storage?
Thanks a lot!
Where can I find some doc or examples on configuration persistent storage
for ActiveMQ? The config-substitutions.properties file only provides data
directory, and MQName setting. I found the activemq.xml under
But that file says /var/activemq/conf/${ACTIVEMQ.BROKERNAME}.XML is the
config file? I tried that, but it does not seem to do anything.
Can anyone help with the following?
1. Which directory is for activemq configuration directory?
2. What is the name of the configuration file?
activemq.xml or ${ACTIVEMQ.BROKERNAME}.XML
3. How can a postgres DB be configured for activeMQ's persistence storage?
Thanks a lot!