Newbie, compiling samples, don't quite understand....
2015-11-20 02:28:18 UTC
I just put up geronimo, and ran the smoke test "Helloworld" and that works.
I see the console, this is pretty neat.

I am now making the samples, or perhaps better stated: I am mavening them.
Unfamiliar with maven, I apologize, reading and getting up to speed will
take time.
I did increase some parms to run the mvn clean install:
"export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xxm512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m""

That gets me to some problems with plugins.
I get a number of messages in the output listing:
found geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.geronimo.apache.framework.geronimo-gbean-deployer [1]
installing artifact: DependencyType [org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans [2]

followed by multiple "installing artifacts:.....
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for [whatever the artifact name was]
this is pervasive, and then the deployment crashes.

What am I missing, what don't I understand?
was I supposed to install some kind of plugin?
sorry, at least for me this documentation isn't crystal clear [not a
criticism, I do have an autistic side |;-p]

I do have the geronimo-tomcat version up.
I don't quite understand what that means in regards to the jetty
compiles...[are they the default for the deploy?]

this is a case of initial success followed by rampant failure.
normal under the circumstances, but still a bitter pill.


View this message in context: http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/Newbie-compiling-samples-don-t-quite-understand-tp3989792.html
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Zhi Xie
2015-11-24 06:53:36 UTC
Could you share the maven error log here?
Post by jctobin1234
I just put up geronimo, and ran the smoke test "Helloworld" and that works.
I see the console, this is pretty neat.
I am now making the samples, or perhaps better stated: I am mavening them.
Unfamiliar with maven, I apologize, reading and getting up to speed will
take time.
"export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xxm512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m""
That gets me to some problems with plugins.
found geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.geronimo.apache.framework.geronimo-gbean-deployer [1]
installing artifact: DependencyType [org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans [2]
followed by multiple "installing artifacts:.....
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for [whatever the artifact name was]
this is pervasive, and then the deployment crashes.
What am I missing, what don't I understand?
was I supposed to install some kind of plugin?
sorry, at least for me this documentation isn't crystal clear [not a
criticism, I do have an autistic side |;-p]
I do have the geronimo-tomcat version up.
I don't quite understand what that means in regards to the jetty
compiles...[are they the default for the deploy?]
this is a case of initial success followed by rampant failure.
normal under the circumstances, but still a bitter pill.
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Best Regards
2015-11-24 19:50:22 UTC
I have more or less standard output [around 300k] or debug output [more than 1.5M]

I am sending the standard-output

If you vim or vi the file search for “did” or “did not” or “find” all of which are part of the “did not find” phrase, as opposed to “found” in the bundles work.

And thanks, I was worried that since there isn’t much activity on the Geronimo project, I wasn’t gonna hear anything back


From: "gary [via Apache Geronimo]" <ml-node+***@n3.nabble.com<mailto:ml-node+***@n3.nabble.com>>
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 1:54 AM
To: John Tobin <***@po-box.esu.edu<mailto:***@po-box.esu.edu>>
Subject: Re: Newbie, compiling samples, don't quite understand....

Could you share the maven error log here?

2015-11-20 10:28 GMT+08:00 jctobin1234 <[hidden email]</user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3989819&i=0>>:
I just put up geronimo, and ran the smoke test "Helloworld" and that works.
I see the console, this is pretty neat.

I am now making the samples, or perhaps better stated: I am mavening them.
Unfamiliar with maven, I apologize, reading and getting up to speed will
take time.
I did increase some parms to run the mvn clean install:
"export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xxm512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m""

That gets me to some problems with plugins.
I get a number of messages in the output listing:
found geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.geronimo.apache.framework.geronimo-gbean-deployer [1]
installing artifact: DependencyType [org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans [2]

followed by multiple "installing artifacts:.....
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for [whatever the artifact name was]
this is pervasive, and then the deployment crashes.

What am I missing, what don't I understand?
was I supposed to install some kind of plugin?
sorry, at least for me this documentation isn't crystal clear [not a
criticism, I do have an autistic side |;-p]

I do have the geronimo-tomcat version up.
I don't quite understand what that means in regards to the jetty
compiles...[are they the default for the deploy?]

this is a case of initial success followed by rampant failure.
normal under the circumstances, but still a bitter pill.

[hidden email]</user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3989819&i=1>

View this message in context: http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/Newbie-compiling-samples-don-t-quite-understand-tp3989792.html
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Best Regards

If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
To unsubscribe from Newbie, compiling samples, don't quite understand...., click here<http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=unsubscribe_by_code&node=3989792&code=anRvYmluQHBvLWJveC5lc3UuZWR1fDM5ODk3OTJ8LTMwNzcwODA2NA==>.

samples3-debug.output (353K) <http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/attachment/3989825/0/samples3-debug.output>

View this message in context: http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/Newbie-compiling-samples-don-t-quite-understand-tp3989792p3989825.html
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2015-11-29 23:36:10 UTC
Dear Gary,

So I got some time to play with this some more.
I ended up deleting .m2 in my root dir, and restarting.

Finally I have an output that looks like below, so I am assuming success

But then: log4j problems
log4j:ERROR A "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" object is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.Appender" variable.
log4j:ERROR The class "org.apache.log4j.Appender" was loaded by
log4j:ERROR [29.0] whereas object of type
log4j:ERROR "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" was loaded by [ClassRealm[plugin>org.apache.geronimo.buildsupport:car-maven-plugin:3.0-M1, parent: sun.misc.Launcher$***@1a45a877]].
log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "CONSOLE".
log4j:ERROR A "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" object is not assignable to a "org.apache.log4j.Appender" variable.
log4j:ERROR The class "org.apache.log4j.Appender" was loaded by
log4j:ERROR [29.0] whereas object of type
log4j:ERROR "org.apache.log4j.ConsoleAppender" was loaded by [ClassRealm[plugin>org.apache.geronimo.buildsupport:car-maven-plugin:3.0-M1, parent: sun.misc.Launcher$***@1a45a877]].
log4j:ERROR Could not instantiate appender named "A1".
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.ap

Ok, this now goes from bad to worse: I lookup log4j problems, and immediately get lost in properties problems, wow.

The alternative is to look at the documentation for deploying the sample apps which is covered in the following pages:
That looks like this:


Need some good advice, what is a good direction here, I am no Geronimo Guru.

[my successes are below


[INFO] --- car-maven-plugin:3.0-M1:archive-car (default-archive-car) @ all-samples-tomcat ---
[INFO] Building jar: /root/samples-parent-3.0M1/samples/all-samples/all-samples-tomcat/target/all-samples-tomcat-3.0-M1.car
[INFO] --- ianal-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-1:verify-legal-files (default) @ all-samples-tomcat ---
[INFO] Checking legal files in: all-samples-tomcat-3.0-M1.car
[INFO] --- rat-maven-plugin:1.0-alpha-3:check (default) @ all-samples-tomcat ---
[INFO] --- maven-install-plugin:2.2:install (default-install) @ all-samples-tomcat ---
[INFO] Installing /root/samples-parent-3.0M1/samples/all-samples/all-samples-tomcat/target/all-samples-tomcat-3.0-M1.car to /root/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/samples/all-samples-tomcat/3.0-M1/all-samples-tomcat-3.0-M1.car
[INFO] Installing /root/samples-parent-3.0M1/samples/all-samples/all-samples-tomcat/pom.xml to /root/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/samples/all-samples-tomcat/3.0-M1/all-samples-tomcat-3.0-M1.pom
[INFO] Installing /root/samples-parent-3.0M1/samples/all-samples/all-samples-tomcat/target/resources/META-INF/geronimo-plugin.xml to /root/.m2/repository/org/apache/geronimo/samples/all-samples-tomcat/3.0-M1/all-samples-tomcat-3.0-M1.plugin-metadata
[INFO] --- car-maven-plugin:3.0-M1:update-pluginlist (default-update-pluginlist) @ all-samples-tomcat ---
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Reactor Summary:
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: Parent ......................... SUCCESS [ 26.702 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: Buildutil ...................... SUCCESS [ 8.705 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: Archetype ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.937 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: Samples ........................ SUCCESS [ 3.735 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Plugins :: Shared Sample Datasource ....... SUCCESS [01:05 min]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: Java EE 5 Samples .............. SUCCESS [ 10.415 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: dbtester ....................... SUCCESS [ 0.631 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: dbtester :: WAR ................ SUCCESS [ 11.953 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: dbtester :: plugin for jetty ... SUCCESS [ 47.493 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: dbtester :: plugin for tomcat .. SUCCESS [ 26.637 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: inventory ...................... SUCCESS [ 0.492 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: inventory :: WAR ............... SUCCESS [ 2.361 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: inventory :: plugin for jetty .. SUCCESS [ 23.826 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: inventory :: plugin for tomcat . SUCCESS [ 19.212 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: ldap-sample-app ................ SUCCESS [ 1.423 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: ldap-sample-app :: WAR ......... SUCCESS [ 0.700 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: ldap-sample-app :: security realm SUCCESS [ 10.883 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: ldap-sample-app :: plugin for jetty SUCCESS [ 17.955 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: ldap-sample-app :: plugin for tomcat SUCCESS [ 14.913 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: timereport ..................... SUCCESS [ 1.281 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: timereport :: WAR .............. SUCCESS [ 1.703 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: timereport :: plugin for jetty . SUCCESS [ 21.119 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: timereport :: plugin for tomcat SUCCESS [ 19.422 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jsp-examples ................... SUCCESS [ 1.266 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jsp-examples :: WAR ............ SUCCESS [ 10.073 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jsp-examples :: plugin for jetty SUCCESS [ 17.573 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jsp-examples :: plugin for tomcat SUCCESS [ 14.700 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: servlet-examples ............... SUCCESS [ 1.164 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: servlet-examples :: WAR ........ SUCCESS [ 2.443 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: servlet-examples :: plugin for jetty SUCCESS [ 16.769 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: servlet-examples :: plugin for tomcat SUCCESS [ 15.735 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: Java EE 6 Samples .............. SUCCESS [ 3.874 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: cviewer-javaee6 ................ SUCCESS [ 0.345 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: cviewer-javaee6 :: WAR ......... SUCCESS [ 2.001 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: cviewer-javaee6 Plugin for Jetty SUCCESS [ 8.328 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: cviewer-javaee6 Plugin for Tomcat SUCCESS [ 7.974 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: converter-javaee6 .............. SUCCESS [ 0.457 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: converter-javaee6 :: WAR ....... SUCCESS [ 8.230 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: converter-javaee6 Plugin for Jetty SUCCESS [ 12.707 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: converter-javaee6 Plugin for Tomcat SUCCESS [ 6.754 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jarresource-javaee6 ............ SUCCESS [ 0.654 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jarresource-javaee6 :: JAR ..... SUCCESS [ 0.974 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jarresource-javaee6 :: WAR ..... SUCCESS [ 0.951 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jarresource-javaee6 Plugin for Jetty SUCCESS [ 6.249 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: jarresource-javaee6 Plugin for Tomcat SUCCESS [ 8.025 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: fileupload-javaee6 ............. SUCCESS [ 0.806 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: fileupload-javaee6 :: WAR ...... SUCCESS [ 1.695 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: fileupload-javaee6 Plugin for Jetty SUCCESS [ 5.809 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: fileupload-javaee6 Plugin for Tomcat SUCCESS [ 6.220 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: OSGi Samples ................... SUCCESS [ 0.455 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Plugins :: Shared Aries Sample Datasource . SUCCESS [ 14.532 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Performance Benchmark Sample .......... SUCCESS [ 12.449 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.257 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - Util ........................ SUCCESS [ 8.911 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - Beans ....................... SUCCESS [ 1.998 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - Entities .................... SUCCESS [ 9.518 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - Core ........................ SUCCESS [ 7.297 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - EJB3 ........................ SUCCESS [ 9.914 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - WS Application Client ....... SUCCESS [ 2.916 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - SOAP ........................ SUCCESS [ 3.809 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - Web ......................... SUCCESS [ 4.486 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - Quote Streamer .............. SUCCESS [ 4.179 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Modules - JSON Proxy .................. SUCCESS [ 2.671 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Assemblies ............................ SUCCESS [ 0.201 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Assemblies for Web containers ......... SUCCESS [ 0.120 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Assemblies - Web + Direct JDBC ........ SUCCESS [ 3.986 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Assemblies - Web + Direct JPA ......... SUCCESS [ 5.159 s]
[INFO] DayTrader :: Plugins ............................... SUCCESS [ 0.238 s]
[INFO] Daytrader :: Plugins :: Derby DataSource ........... SUCCESS [ 29.612 s]
[INFO] Daytrader :: Plugins :: Web + Direct JDBC :: Jetty . SUCCESS [ 43.178 s]
[INFO] Daytrader :: Plugins :: Web + Direct JDBC :: Tomcat SUCCESS [ 23.060 s]
[INFO] Daytrader :: Plugins :: Web + Direct JPA :: Jetty .. SUCCESS [ 19.592 s]
[INFO] Daytrader :: Plugins :: Web + Direct JPA :: Tomcat . SUCCESS [ 20.215 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: all-samples .................... SUCCESS [ 0.243 s]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: all-samples :: plugin for jetty SUCCESS [02:27 min]
[INFO] Geronimo Samples :: all-samples :: plugin for tomcat SUCCESS [ 38.192 s]
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Total time: 16:26 min
[INFO] Finished at: 2015-11-29T16:22:30-05:00
[INFO] Final Memory: 139M/428M
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------

From: John Tobin <***@po-box.esu.edu<mailto:***@po-box.esu.edu>>
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 2:50 PM
To: "gary [via Apache Geronimo]" <ml-node+***@n3.nabble.com<mailto:ml-node+***@n3.nabble.com>>
Subject: Re: Newbie, compiling samples, don't quite understand....

I have more or less standard output [around 300k] or debug output [more than 1.5M]

I am sending the standard-output

If you vim or vi the file search for “did” or “did not” or “find” all of which are part of the “did not find” phrase, as opposed to “found” in the bundles work.

And thanks, I was worried that since there isn’t much activity on the Geronimo project, I wasn’t gonna hear anything back


From: "gary [via Apache Geronimo]" <ml-node+***@n3.nabble.com<mailto:ml-node+***@n3.nabble.com>>
Date: Tuesday, November 24, 2015 at 1:54 AM
To: John Tobin <***@po-box.esu.edu<mailto:***@po-box.esu.edu>>
Subject: Re: Newbie, compiling samples, don't quite understand....

Could you share the maven error log here?

2015-11-20 10:28 GMT+08:00 jctobin1234 <[hidden email]</user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3989819&i=0>>:
I just put up geronimo, and ran the smoke test "Helloworld" and that works.
I see the console, this is pretty neat.

I am now making the samples, or perhaps better stated: I am mavening them.
Unfamiliar with maven, I apologize, reading and getting up to speed will
take time.
I did increase some parms to run the mvn clean install:
"export MAVEN_OPTS="-Xxm512m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m""

That gets me to some problems with plugins.
I get a number of messages in the output listing:
found geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.geronimo.apache.framework.geronimo-gbean-deployer [1]
installing artifact: DependencyType [org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for bundle
org.apache.servicemix.bundles.xmlbeans [2]

followed by multiple "installing artifacts:.....
did not find geronimo-plugin.xml for [whatever the artifact name was]
this is pervasive, and then the deployment crashes.

What am I missing, what don't I understand?
was I supposed to install some kind of plugin?
sorry, at least for me this documentation isn't crystal clear [not a
criticism, I do have an autistic side |;-p]

I do have the geronimo-tomcat version up.
I don't quite understand what that means in regards to the jetty
compiles...[are they the default for the deploy?]

this is a case of initial success followed by rampant failure.
normal under the circumstances, but still a bitter pill.

[hidden email]</user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=3989819&i=1>

View this message in context: http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/Newbie-compiling-samples-don-t-quite-understand-tp3989792.html
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

Best Regards

If you reply to this email, your message will be added to the discussion below:
To unsubscribe from Newbie, compiling samples, don't quite understand...., click here<http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/template/NamlServlet.jtp?macro=unsubscribe_by_code&node=3989792&code=anRvYmluQHBvLWJveC5lc3UuZWR1fDM5ODk3OTJ8LTMwNzcwODA2NA==>.

View this message in context: http://apache-geronimo.328035.n3.nabble.com/Newbie-compiling-samples-don-t-quite-understand-tp3989792p3989870.html
Sent from the Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
